In the realm of specialty coffee, where every nuance counts, water often takes center stage as the unsung hero of extraction. While coffee enthusiasts meticulously select beans and fine-tune brewing methods, the quality of water and its mineral composition are often overlooked.
The world of coffee is as diverse as the beans themselves, with roasters continually innovating to bring out the best flavors from each batch. Two such techniques that have gained popularity in recent years are heat shock and heat soak coffee roasting. These methods go beyond traditional roasting approaches, unlocking new dimensions of flavor and aroma in your morning brew.
In a world where conscious consumerism is on the rise, the marriage of exceptional flavor and sustainable farming practices is no longer a mere trend but a necessity.
In the world of specialty coffee, where every sip is a journey of flavors, the importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. As coffee enthusiasts, we often savor the unique notes and aromas that define our favorite brews.
Aujourd'hui, nous nous penchons sur l'art de préparer le café, en explorant les trois principales méthodes permettant d'extraire tout le spectre du goût et de l'arôme, éléments clés qui définissent le monde du café de spécialité.
La fraîcheur est l’essence même d’une délicieuse tasse de café. Les grains de café, une fois torréfiés, libèrent du dioxyde de carbone. Si ce gaz est emprisonné à l’intérieur du sac de café sans sortie, cela peut conduire à un résultat désastreux : du café rassis.
The cornerstone of a delightful cup of coffee is freshness. Subscription services source beans directly from roasters and deliver them promptly, ensuring that your coffee is as fresh as it can be.
Washed coffee, also known as wet-processed coffee, goes through a meticulous method that involves removing the pulp from the cherry before drying the beans.
By harnessing the power of microbial activity during the fermentation process, these farms have opened up a world of flavor possibilities, accentuating the unique characteristics of their coffees.
Weighing the coffee before extraction allows precise measurement of the coffee dose. Consistency in the amount of coffee used is crucial to maintaining the desired flavor profile.
Coffee lovers around the world are familiar with the two main methods of processing coffee beans: washed and natural. While both processes produce high quality coffee, washed coffee is more popular than natural processed coffee in many countries.